Use of Acceso

There are no costs involved in using the Acceso website and no need to request permission to use the materials it contains. The website is released with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License that allows open access while preserving our copyright. You are, as such, free to use the materials as they are found on this website or to modify them to create an activity better suited to your specific educational context. You are also free to share your modifications with others … and encouraged to share them with us. The only requirements when making these derivative materials is that you give us credit as the original source and that you not make any money from your creations. Other uses may be permitted, but require expressed written permission.
There are supplementary instructor materials that require registration, but that is intended solely to prevent students from gaining access to content like in-class handouts and tests. Access to the Instructor Materials is completely free. If you have developed materials (including lesson plans) that differ substantially from those on our site, we would also appreciate you sharing them with us so that we can make them available to a wider public.
The materials provided on the website are a complete, integrated curriculum that can stand on its own. The online workbook Acceso Hub is a paid commercial supplement that can be adopted at instructor discretion.