Acceso is used at the University of Kansas as the foundation for the intermediate language sequence usually covered during the 3rd and 4th semesters of study. Students cover the first four units during the fall semester and the last four units during the spring semester. While the linguistic and cultural knowledge gained during the first semester informs work during the second semester, a large number of students begin the curriculum with Unit 5 without a need for remediation. Our courses are taught using a flipped model in an active learning classroom with students sitting at tables with a shared computer and large monitor. Students work for extended periods in groups with assistance from the two instructors in the room. The results of that group work are shared with the class using the multiple screens in the room and the amplification provided through various types of wireless microphones.

Other institutions of secondary and post-secondary learning have integrated varying amounts of the curriculum to enhance their instructional sequences. As Acceso is both modular and free, the degree to which you which you use the materials is entirely up to you. While many decide to adopt the curriculum in its entirety to avoid the cost of commercial textbook, others may wish to adopt a more gradual approach.
How are you using Acceso? We’d love to hear from you and to share your story.