
Amy E. Rossomondo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the recipient of a KU Chancellors Club Professorship. She is the Director of the Spanish Basic Language Program and co-author of Contraseña: Your Password to Foundational Spanish. She received her B.A. from the University of Notre Dame, her M.A. from the University of Georgia, and her Ph.D. from Indiana University. Her principal areas of research are second language acquisition, second language pedagogy/classroom research, and Hispanic sociolinguistics.

Mirla González is the Assistant Director for Undergraduate Studies, Online and Professional Education at the Georgia Insitute of Technology. She earned her B.S. in Biomedical Science from Marist College and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Kansas. Her teaching interests include scientific and cultural literacy, service-learning, and location-based gaming. She serves as the Development Editor for the project, having overseen the transition of content from the original site to the new (current) site.
Project Contributors
Acceso is by design a collaborative effort in which many have provided help over the years. The following individuals have provided contributions that must be recognized as foundational as the curriculum continues to develop.
Major Contributors- Keah Cunningham, web designer of the project from 2009-2023
- Rosalea Postma-Carttar, co-Director of the project from 2009-2014
- Javier Barroso
- Ruth Fernández-Parga
- Jennifer Gabriele
- Ángel María Rañales Pérez
- Adriana Natali Sommerville
- Jennifer Abercrombie Foster
- Karen Acosta
- Erik Adler
- Miguel A. Albujar Escuredo
- Silvia Asandei
- Emilia Barbosa
- Emily Brown
- Jose Ignacio Carvajal Regidor
- Pablo G. Celis Castillo
- Edma Delgado Solórzano
- Russell Friedman
- Maria J. Garcia Otero
- Laura Gill
- Zachary Glassett
- Ian Gowan
- Mira Briana E. Haydu
- Alena Keene
- Alicia Kranker
- Diana Patricia Londoño Ramírez
- Stacy Lutsch
- Arturo Meijide Lapido
- Camila A. Micán
- Megan Migliazzo
- Tamara Mitchell
- Lina Muñoz-Márquez
- Michael O'Brien
- Antonio Orozco Ramos
- Regan Postma
- Jake Rapp
- Claudia P. Salas-Forero
- Ismael Souto
- Ezekiel Stear
- Megan Thornton
- Elizabeth Villalobos