Ir + a + infinitive (ir + a + infinitivo)

One way to express future actions is to use ir + a + infinitive. Conjugate the verb ir in the present tense.


ir a + infinitive
yo voy
él/ella/Ud. va
nosotros/as vamos
vosotros/as vais
ellos/ellas/Uds. van
--Voy a ver el partido de baloncesto mañana.
I am going to watch the basketball game tomorrow.
--¿Vas a estudiar el español el próximo semestre?
Are you going to study Spanish next semester?
--La autora va a publicar su nuevo libro el año que viene.
The author is going to publish her new book next year.

Uses of ir + a + infinitive

  1. To express an intended future action or to describe the future
  2. The verb may be conjugated in the imperfect to express a future event or action when narrated in the past. This is commonly used in spoken language.
  3. Ejemplo(s):
    --Íbamos a asistir la clase pero perdimos el autobus.
    We were going to attend class but we missed the bus.